Launch of the state of the youth report 2024
Youth Voices at the Heart of Governance

Fostering Leadership, Unlocking Potential.
Employment and livelihood
High unemployment & underemployment of the young people is one of the most pressing development challenges.
Learn MoreSocial services
Education is the most important and reliable pathway to promoting equality, and eradicating poverty in society.
Learn MorePolitical participation and decision making
The national Youth Council is an important vehicle for youth political participation.
Learn MoreUganda Parliamentary Forum on Youth Affairs (UPFYA) is the Youth Caucus of Parliament of Uganda bringing together Youth Representatives in Parliament, youthful MPs and all other MPs passionate about youth issues with a membership of over 130 Members of Parliament. UPFYA is developing its legislative agenda, 2022-2026 to guide and provide direction for the forum over the next five years.
Key priority Bills for consideration
to be tabled in Parliament
National Graduate Scheme Bill, 2018
The object of this Bill is to establish a National Graduate Scheme and designate a Secretariat responsible for the administration of the Scheme.
The Local-Content-Bill-2019
The object of the Bill is to impose local content obligations on a person using public money or utilizing Uganda’s natural resources or carrying on an activity requiring a license.
Sexual Offences Bill 2019
The object of this Bill is to enact a specific law on sexual offences for the effectual prevention of sexual violence; to enhance punishment of sexual offenders.
Minimum Wage Bill
The object of the bill is to put in place a mechanism for the determination of a minimum wage that is fair to both employers and employees.
The object of this Bill is to establish a National Graduate Scheme and designate a Secretariat responsible for the administration of the Scheme. Graduate skills development is very important for the production of critical skills in Uganda. It is a sound investment for the individual, the employer, and the economy. For the individual, the economic returns on this investment accrue in the form of increased earnings.
For companies, the economic returns are realized through gains in productivity and profits.
For an economy, the returns trickle down in the expanded output of goods and services and economic growth whose net effect is better standards of living and accessibility to services by the Community.
Technological change, higher value addition and the increased competition flowing fro~ trade liberalization accelerate the demand for higher skills and productivity among workers. It is therefore very pertinent that Uganda as a Country devises means of developing the practical skills of the young graduates to bridge the existing gaps.
The object of the Bill is to impose local content obligations on a person using public money or utilizing Uganda’s natural resources or carrying on an activity requiring a license;
- to prioritize Ugandan citizens, Ugandan and resident companies in public procurement;
- to ensure skills and technology transfer to Ugandan; to provide for the development of local content plans;
- to provide for the supervision, coordination, monitoring and implementation of local content in Uganda; and for related matters.
The object of this Bill is to enact a specific law on sexual offences for the effectual prevention of sexual violence; to enhance punishment of sexual offenders; to provide for the protection of victims during sexual offences trials; to provide for extra territorial application of the law; to repeal some provisions of the Penal Code Act, Cap. 120 and for other related matters.
The Succession Amendment Bill The object of the Bill is to amend the Succession Act, Cap. 162 to bring it in conformity with the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and to reflect the current prevailing socio-economic circumstances in Uganda and internationally accepted human rights standards. The current Succession Act contains provisions that are discriminatory towards women contrary to the Constitution.
The object of the bill is to put in place a mechanism for the determination of a minimum wage that is fair to both employers and employees. The Bill addresses a host of challenges that have plagued both employees and employers over the years by putting in place a consensual and consultative framework through which employers and employees can determine minimum wages for different categories of employment based on the specific circumstances of each work place on a regular basis.